Monday, March 12, 2012


By second grade, students should be able to identify 2-D shapes and have been exposed to pattern blocks. The pattern blocks tend to be a favorite “toy” during indoor recess. In culmination of the study of 2-D shapes, students are introduced to the concept of tangram puzzles.

When possible, I enjoy adding children’s literature into my math lessons and have found that even students at the junior high level covet story time. One such story that applies here is Grandfather Tang’s Story by Ann Tompert in which two characters tell stories revolving around tangrams and the pictures they can make.


Students can make their own tangram pictures or just explore the use of the tangram pieces:

Pattern Blocks: Create your own pattern block designs or tessellations with this website. It provides a blank canvas with a grid pattern that allows the shapes to snap into place. You may need to print out a screen shot instead of just printing it out through your web browser.

Solving tangram puzzles can be done with these:

Tangrams Game: Use the given shapes to fill in a square. All three levels require the pieces to be rotated.

Tangrams: There are twelve different puzzles that require the shapes to be rotated and placed without the use of any guides.

Tangrams – National Museum of Play: Click the tangram to play. One option is to click “Begin” to be given a puzzle and all the pieces. The other option “Play Around” provides a blank canvas and all the available pieces.

If you are unable to utilize technology for your lesson, or would rather use the physical pattern blocks, there are websites that provide puzzles to solve.

Tangram Grid – National Museum of Play: This document includes pattern blocks to cut out, puzzles to solve, and their solutions.

Tangrams – IDEAS: There are five pages of puzzles to solve.

iPad Apps

These apps are not much different than the websites listed above, but if you need an iPad app, these are good.

New LetsTans Deluxe: Tangram puzzles with levels that range from just dragging the tiles over to those that require the tiles to be rotated before being dragged over. ($2.99)

Alphabets – Tangram Building Blocks: Solve tangrams that are in the shapes of all the letters of the alphabet. Guides are not included. These can be a little tricky. (Free)