Ideas for using online discussions:
- Debate a topic, provide different views – practice citing sources
- Compare and contrast
- Take on a character and write in that manner
- Record orally or written conversations in a foreign language
- Provide numerous examples
- Continue classroom discussions
- Combine multiple classes into one discussion
- Support classroom assignments outside the school day
- Brainstorming
- Assign separately to student groups to facilitate communication
- Physical Education Example Uses for Schoology or FlipGrid
- Demonstrate digital citizenship
Practice online etiquette and how to respond to one another - Create a writing journal between teacher and student
- Build a portfolio by assigning discussions individually
- 6 Blended Learning Examples For Online Discussions
Here are two options for taking discussions online: Schoology and Flipgrid
Schoology Discussion Feature – Responses can be written, images, files, or recorded video/audio from within the editor. Create one for the class, one for each student (could even act as a mini portfolio), or even share one discussion with multiple classes. Grading can be done right in the discussion itself if desired.
Flipgrid – A free website where responses are all completed in a video or audio format. Students can participate using a computer web browser or the free iPad app. Grids can be protected by letting only those with our school email addresses to access them along with the requirement to have the special code to join. Here is a resource on How to Use Flipgrid – From Sign-up to Video Sharing.