Friday, January 20, 2012

Counting Money

Counting coins can be difficult for any kindergartener, first grader, or even a second grader.  With all the different denominations, it is easy to mix them up and get confused.  Here are a few ways to practice counting money using software, websites, and apps:


Penny Panda: A program created by Micrograms that was purchased as a site license. Within the program, students have multiple ways to practice counting money that include basic counting, comparing amounts, paying an exact amount, and determining the amount of change to give.  My favorite feature in this program is the ability to change the options, which can easily be done by the teachers or even the students. This makes the program perfect for kindergarteners who are counting pennies and nickels and also makes the program relevant for second graders who are counting change and dollars.  In the options, the various denominations of coins can be selected as well as the total amount given in that particular problem.

Everyday Math Games Early Childhood: There are three particular games within this suite of games that apply: Coin Exchange, One-Dollar Game, and Paper Money Exchange Game. In the Coin Exchange, students trade in their pennies, nickels, and dimes to receive a quarter. The goal of the One-Dollar Game is to trade in pennies and dimes for a dollar bill.  Then, in the Paper Money Exchange Game students trade one dollar bills for ten dollar bills until there are enough for a one-hundred dollar bill.  These games were purchased as a site license.


Counting Money: Calculate the total of the given coins that may include pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters.

Let’s Compare Money: Count the coins on both sides of the screen and compare their amounts. Students can be quizzed on pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters.

Count the Money!: A total amount is given, and a certain number of a specified coin is given. How many other coins are needed? Type the answer.

Drag and Drop Coins: Drag the coins to the top of the slide to make the required amount.

Ca$h Out: Make change for customers purchasing items at your store. There are easy, medium, and hard levels. Hints as to amount of change to given can be provided.

Shopping Math – Buy Toys for the Exact Amount of Money: You are given a certain amount of money and need to find toys to buy that equal that sum.

iPad Apps

Counting Coins:  Practice includes counting, making, and matching a certain sum. The Show Values section could be paired with a worksheet or used with a partner. (Free)

Counting Bills & Coins: Includes all denominations of coins and bills up to $20.  It can be used to practice counting money and making the correct change. (Free)

Coin Genius Lite: This is a free version of this app. The only function of this app is to count coins and choose the correct answer. A timer on the screen counts down from one minute. (Free)

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